Conference & Membership Checkout

Membership Information

You have selected the 360° Elder Law College Membership & Conference in Anaheim California, June 4th - 7th FULL membership level.

Thank you for choosing to attend the upcoming 360° Elder Law Practice Builder Program in Anaheim California, June 4th - 7th, 2020!

Your Membership Includes: Attendance to the 3-1/2 day intensive 360° Elder Law Practice Builder Program in Anaheim, CA, and following attendance, full access to the ELC Member Portal which includes videos of the entire program and other tutorials, the ELC Document Library, recorded Q & A teleconferences, articles, marketing materials, access to the active Listserv and ongoing ELC community support, access to the monthly Q & A teleconference, and guidance on new client generation and business practices.

Cost: To complete your registration, please fill the form below. The price for event attendance and membership is $2,250.00 in this transaction and then $150.00/mo thereafter. Total investment over your 1st year is $4,050. As one of our previous students stated, "I paid for my entire Elder Law College experience with my first client!"

COVID-19 NOTE: Registering for the Anaheim program guarantees your space in the next 360° Elder Law Practice Builder program regardless of whether a live session goes forward on the date planned. Space remains limited. As of now, space still exists. This registration page will be inaccessible once the program is filled.  A virtual option will exist for those who cannot travel or if the live program is canceled. Upon an announcement of a date or location change, you will have the option to keep your reserved spot or apply your registration to a future program.

The price for membership is $2,250.00 now and then $150.00 per Month.

Do you have a discount code?

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Principal and Lead Instructor Scott Solkoff is a member of the above assocations.


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